On the rare occasions when an Albanian trafficked person is rescued in Britain but desires to be returned to Albania, MWL will support in the protected rescue work cross border.  MWL will help them recover with counselling and shelter, and build their lives anew in their homeland.   


  • To work with Albanian communities in Britain to expand their capacity to collaborate as necessary in the discovery and recovery of victims; to help them develop and publicly articulate their own united front against Albanian traffickers planning further criminal forays into the UK.  


  • To support the returned and recovering victims from the UK as best possible once they have returned to the safety of the Foundations in-house recovery resources and facilities in Albania. 


  • Therapeutic services: Mary Ward Loreto in Albania already offers therapeutic services to the Albanian victims of trafficking rescued in the UK and will continue to do this on a regular basis in partnership with the Medaille Trust in the UK.  


  • Cross border exchange opportunities for staff in the UK, will be offered to those who wish to visit Albanian survivors who have returned home; and also, to those in Albania, working with survivors whose work would benefit from visiting UK shelters where Albanian survivors are being supported.  This programme has been developed for 5 years in a partnership between MWL and Medaille Trust.  


  • Safe repatriation: Where Albanian victims/survivors have been deported, MWL as a member of the National Referral Mechanism can offer immediate support, in collaboration with all agencies within the NRM in Albania, to deliver safe repatriation and reintegration.  


  • Support letters: Mary Ward Loreto provides evidence reports for the Home Office to support Albanian survivors in the asylum seeking process: 
  • Psychological evidence as a reference 
  • Case assessment  
  • Situation of risk and human trafficking in Albania. 


  • Intelligence reports: There are gaps between results and statistics in anti-trafficking work overall as published by NGOs and the government; and a particular lack of substantive information on the reality of the Albanian human trafficking phenomenon. MWL will write and publish intelligence reports to: 
  • NRM Albania, in order to reflect the situation of human trafficking identified at the frontline  
  • International networks against Human Trafficking, in order to reflect different perceptions of trafficking, and implementations of laws and policies.  


  • Training and Workshops: MWL also has a component for training and will offer these services on a regular basis, either online in the form of webinars or when possible in the UK itself. Those who will benefit from these webinars would be staff working in agencies, foundations, statutory bodies, and shelters in the UK who regularly serve Albanian victims. The following are some of the training courses offered: 
  • Understanding Albanian cultural and socio-demographic backgrounds 
  • Understanding the law and NRM in Albania 
  • Understanding Albanian systems, services, and realities 
  • Coping with Trauma from the Albanian cultural perspective (Therapeutic approach) 
  • Issues related to migration and the many lures used by traffickers to trap Albanian people into their web.