Strengthening core values in education

In 2015 MWL championed research into corruption in the Education Sector. Working with Government and other agencies we sought to eliminate unethical practice and strengthen the value system.  Based on the research, a training programme in ethics for teachers was organised. MWL helped develop the training plan and materials, and actively promotes these in our local areas.

Service-based learning

The experience gained from this work enabled us to develop and implement a service-based learning methodology across a range of schools. This encourages pupils to engage in community mapping, and planning activities based on their results. These projects have resulted in significant community integration, and engagement across generations has helped participants and their families analyse and contribute to the wellbeing of their local community. We are undertaking further work through a series of ‘service learning’ projects. This approach equips young people with essential interpersonal and civic skills through participation in training and real-world application. It was implemented by youth clubs in Saranda, Delvina, Lezha, Mirdita and Tropoja during 2021.

Say No to violence, say Yes to sport in Lezha.

This sport-focused project brought together MWL, the local Education Office of Lezha, the Directory of Education and Youth at the Municipality of Lezha, 10 local high schools and 1,800 students to address the issue of violence in schools and classrooms. The goals of the project included assisting schools in obtaining sports equipment and promoting physical safety in schools through sports. Using sporting events as a positive form of engagement at their schools, students were sensitized to the fact that they themselves play a key role in creating and maintaining a school environment free from violence. A total of 10 volleyball teams from 10 high schools competed in a tournament, which culminated in an awards ceremony attended by students and local authorities to distribute certificates and trophies.

Supporting change-makers and public servants

We strongly believe that long-term change can only be brought about when community members themselves become agents of change. Likewise, the democratization of public institutions can only be achieved through the commitment and active participation of public servants in this process. 

MWL works to empower individuals to become positive forces for change by providing civic, leadership and service-learning training. Conducting 15 training sessions for 240 public servants in 2021, MWL engaged teachers, social workers, nurses, doctors and public administrators in our programmes. We also organized 36 training sessions designed to support youth civic engagement. 

Safeguarding young people

Sexual exploitation and abuse in Albania remain to a great extent a taboo subject, with an apparent reluctance within government institutions and NGOs to publicly confront such crimes. MWL ASCs in Lezha and Rreshen have organized protest actions in response to sexual abuse cases involving minors in Lezha and Mirdita. It is vital that communities are vocal in solidarity against abuse, and demand that the authorities take effective action.

Environmental Protection Project in Lezha

A group of 12 students at the Rogationists High School in Lezha implemented an environmental project designed to promote adoption of the Four Recycling Principles and reduce the consumption and irresponsible disposal of plastic products. Run in collaboration with community partners, this project strengthened awareness among students that problems affecting the entire community are best dealt with through communal action. This project resulted in an environmental club which meets regularly and allows interested students to continue to be active in addressing local environmental issues.